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Benefits of Infant Massage: A Father's Perspective

Benefits of Infant Massage: A Father's Perspective

After researching, reading, and researching some more, I was amazed to find that many fathers have benefitted from learning to use infant massage with their babies. By implementing the techniques taught in an Infant Massage Instructional Class, these fathers had created a one-on-one bonding experience with their child(ren). This study highlights that the stress level of the fathers who participated was greatly reduced after implementing an infant massage routine. 

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Passion is an intensely emotional and compelling feeling of enthusiasm or desire for something. That is the term which comes to mind when describing The Heartland For Children staff who train and recruit foster and adoptive parents. They are not only knowledgeable professionals, competent in their vocation, but passionate about recruiting and training motivated people with a desire to make a difference in a young person’s life.